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2 Irish Social Enterprise Case Studies in Diesis Network Seedings Report

The Diesis Network (which SERI is a member of) ran an EU project called SEEDINGS which explored how digitalisation impacted social enterprises and their workers and looked at the opportunities and challenges for the future.

Diesis Network is happy to invite you for the 5th online event of the Seeding - Social Economy Enterprises addressing Digitalisation, Industrial Relations, and the European Pillar of Social Rights – project.

This time the event focuses on exciting examples from Ireland, France, and Germany on how social economy enterprises (active in various sectors) cope with challenges of digitalisation.

Also, experts will give an insight what is the connection between industrial relations -especially trade unions -, digitalisation and employment in social economy setting. The main features of the recent Seeding Case Study Report are also presented!

Date: 14.04.2021

Time: 10.30 am – 12. 30 pm (Brussels time)

Venue: Zoom

Registration: REGISTER HERE!

The Background report is providing a shared terminology and understanding of challenges posed by digitalisation in terms of employment in social economy enterprises , as well as for relevant contextual information at European and country-level in France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Slovenia and Spain.

If you would like to view the report, please click here.

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