A series of action-provoking events and training useful for anyone looking to be a more active citizen within their community.
Dublin Food Co-op's Community Development Programme is an educational programme for its members and the wider community. Their aim is to provide an engaging, varied, and thought-provoking experience for attendees and build capacity within their membership and the wider community. They will be updating the calendar over the coming months as new events are confirmed – so keep an eye on their events page here.
As Covid-19 restrictions continue to remain in place, we are running our series of events in an online format until further notice.
Dublin Food Co-op has recommended the following 2 events:
The Co-operative Journey: From Ideas to Co-operatives
Date/Time: Tuesday 27th of April from 12.00 – 1.30 (Free of Charge)
Platform: Zoom Videoconferencing and Miro
Host: Tiziana O’Hara (Co-operative Alternatives)
An interactive session where you get to talk about your ideas and find out more about co-operatives. Get ready to explore your future co-operative on this unique journey from initial idea to making it a reality. They will help you work out if a co-operative structure is suitable for your idea and provide a roadmap to help potential co-operatives in their development process.
They are using Miro during the session.
If you are interested in attending this event, you can register here.
The Co-operative Advantage
Date/Time: Tuesday 23rd of March – 12.00 to 13.30
Platform: Zoom Videoconferencing
Host: Tiziana O’Hara (Co-operative Alternatives)
Times are changing -Covid 19, the Climate Emergency – have created an unprecedented urgency to revalue and reassess how we live and work. Co-operatives have often emerged in times of crisis and as an answer to new needs.
What are co-operatives? What makes co-operatives different? What is the co-operative advantage?
The webinar will address these questions by bringing examples of how the principles of co-operation, democratic governance, and surplus distribution have been embedded and written into well established and emerging co-operatives. This webinar is practical and based on the experience gained through the work of Co-operative Alternatives.
If you are interested in attending this event, you can register here.