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On The Road To Mannheim - European Social Economy Summit, Mannheim 2021

SERI wants to bring you relevant news from Europe to help cut through the many different aspects and layers.  As a member of GECES, we have John Kearns on the case and he wants to highlight the following... 

The European Commission has been and continues to be dedicated to the ongoing development of social enterprise as a driver of innovation, growth, and inclusion in the member states.

Many national undertakings take their direction, knowledge, and funding from the EU acting as this agent of change. In January 2014, the Commission gathered Europe’s experts in Strasbourg and declared their commitment to support the growth of the sector, help create the ecosystem for sector growth, offer financial support, and encourage member states and local authorities to take an active role in that agenda.

In order to renew this commitment, the Commission had planned to repeat the Strasbourg exercise in November 2020. Due to Covid-19 that did not happen, but has been deferred to May 2021.

To ensure as much participation from stakeholders across Europe as possible, they have been holding a series of online events to inform and help dynamise the agenda. The second in the series is detailed below and is warmly recommended to you. It also starts in just 1 week's time. And who knows – maybe you too will be on the road to Mannheim and we can all meet together there!


29 October 2020 | 10 AM - 4 PM

Leaving no one behind 

Employment, upskilling and social inclusion in the changing world of work

Just one week left for the next #Roadmap event.  The October #Roadmap addresses the issues of employment, upskilling, and social inclusion in the changing world of work.  We offer you the great opportunity to exchange ideas with absolute experts in this field, to learn from their experiences, and to contribute your ideas and questions yourself.  GET MORE INFORMATION OR REGISTER FOR FREE

Meet The Speakers


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