Wednesday 4 November 11 am – 12noon (GMT)
Join an expert panel who will discuss the development of social enterprises in Waterford City and County outlining the practical supports available as well as looking at the importance of building a peer support network. The panel will discuss how best social enterprises can be developed and supported from the bottom up and identify challenges at local, national, and EU levels.
Grace O'Sullivan, MEP
Liz Riches & Nicola Kent, Waterford Area Partnership / Waterford Social Enterprise Network
Anne Nolan, Waterford Integration Services
Richard Gavin, Department of Rural and Community Development
Chair: Dr Felicity Kelliher, School of Business, Waterford Institute of Technology
This event has been chosen as one of the 2020 European Social Economy Regions (ESER) partner events and is organised by Europe Direct Waterford, Waterford Social Enterprise Network, and Waterford Institute of Technology.
If this is something you are interested in, you can book your FREE place HERE.